Insurance Update:
At this time, we are still waiting for the decision of the insurance company for payment of the temporary modular pro shop and food truck. Winston Blazer and POA Attorney Kevin Stevens have a follow-up meeting scheduled with the insurance broker.
Site Update:
The pad for the temporary cart storage and temporary pro shop is completed. We have paved a one-inch layer of asphalt for use under the carport. This will work best for us in the long term. The carport is expected to arrive this week. This will greatly help with the cart storage/moving issues that we have faced.
Committee Representation:
We have been asked if we will be adding to the current committee. It has been decided that we will be choosing a few members from existing advisory committees for our next phase.
Site Plan Review:
We are currently working on site plans for both options that are being considered.
Option 1: Build back with all the same amenities (only bigger).
Option 2: Separate the two amenities between the restaurant/meeting rooms and golf (which would go to the other location).
As soon as we have quality site plans for both options, we will share them with current advisory committee members first for additional feedback. Upon receiving feedback from advisory committee members, we will share the site plans with the property owners for their feedback as well.
We will continue to publish updates in the Tell-E-Gram in the week following our committee meetings. We will also post the updates on the “Tanasi Updates” page on the TVPOA website. Click here for a link to the Tanasi Feedback/Update Page on the POA Website.