Tellico Village Lots
How many total lots are there in Tellico Village?
There are approximately 6,816 lots in Tellico Village spread across 4,800 acres in Loudon and Monroe Counties.
How many lots currently have a home on them?
As of December 31, 2022, there were 5,400 residences in Tellico Village. The community is presently 78 percent built out.
How much do lots cost in Tellico Village?
Prices of lots vary widely from the low four figures to well into six figures.
How many lots are located in the Kahite neighborhood in Monroe County?
There are approximately 770 lots in the Kahite neighborhood and are included in the community total of 6,816 lots.
Who owns the lots that do not have a home
The majority of unbuilt lots are owned by individuals, some who reside in the community; others who are not residents. There are approximately 2 percent of the lots owned by the Tellico Village Property Owners Association (TVPOA).
Are the lots owned by the Tellico Village Property Owners Association less expensive and are they available through the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)?
The lots owned by the TVPOA are generally less expensive, because they are usually internal properties that do not have a lake, mountain or golf view. These lots are not found in MLS. A listing of available lots is on file at the Tellico Village Welcome Center; 202 Chota Road; Loudon, TN and available to the public.
Tellico Village Homes
What types of homes are found in Tellico Village?
There is a diversity of housing stock in Tellico Village. There are villa, patio and town home communities present throughout the Village. Single-family homes comprised the vast majority of the housing inventory in the community.
How many levels are Tellico Village homes?
Most Tellico Village homes are either single- or two-level structures.
What is the square footage of Tellico Village homes?
Tellico Village homes range from 1,500 square feet on the small side to many thousand square feet of the high side.
Is there a minimum allowable square footage for homes in TV?
The smallest home allowed to be constructed in Tellico Village is 1,200 square feet.
Are there rental homes in Tellico Village?
There are some rental homes in Tellico Village. Most Tellico Villagers are full-time residents of the community which limits the rental market.
Are there condominiums in Tellico Village?
At this time, there are no condominiums in the community.
Tellico Village Home Oversight
Are there any community covenants governing the Village?
Tellico Village does have a set of Declarations of Covenants and Restrictions. A copy can be accessed at:
Are there construction guidelines for Tellico Village?
The community does have construction guidelines which are found in the Village’s Blue Book. This publication can be accessed at HERE
Is there a Village entity which issues building permits?
The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) issues building permits for all homes in the community.
What is the purpose of the ACC?
As stated in the committee’s charter: “The Architectural Control Committee advises and makes recommendations to the TVPOA board of directors (the “Board”) and communicates with TVPOA members, contractors, and concerned parties regarding Tellico Village construction and shoreline strip status, including concerns of TVPOA members. The Committee reviews applications, issues permits and enforces the Declaration and Protective Covenants of Tellico Village and the Committee’s rules, regulations and standards as provided in ARTICLE XI of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, Tellico Village, Tennessee.”
Who are members of the ACC?
The primary members of the ACC are Tellico Village residents appointed by the Board to three-year terms with about one-third of the committee being selected annually. The committee usually numbers five to seven members. Two staff representatives – the ACC administrator and ACC manager – serve as voting members of the committee. They meet twice monthly at the TVPOA Office.
Tellico Village Home Builders Guild
What is the Tellico Village Home Builders Guild (TVHBG)?
The Tellico Village Home Builders Guild is a group of Greater Knoxville area home builders who have built homes in the Village for a number of years.
What are the requirements to be a member of the TVHBG?
To be a member of the Guild, a home builder must be in good standing with the ACC, have built homes in the community during the past two years and provide three references from residents annually regarding the quality of their work. Each member of the TVHBG pays an annual advertising fee to be part of the group.
Is the TVHBG endorsed by the Tellico Village Property Owners Association (TVPOA)?
The TVHBG is not endorsed by the TVPOA.
Are all home builders who construct homes in Tellico Village required to be members of the Tellico Village Home Builders Guild?
No. Some local home builders choose not to be members of the Guild.
Are property owners required to use a member of the TVHBG to build their Village home?
No. Individuals aspiring to build in Tellico Village can contract with any home builder. In some cases, property owners have acted as their own general contractor.
Who can prospective Villagers speak with about home builders in Tellico Village?
Tellico Village home builders often provide references from people for whom they have constructed homes. It is advisable to contact each of these references. The TVPOA has an information piece entitled “How to Select a Tellico Village Home Builder” which also should be reviewed as part of the due diligence process of finding a local home builder. The piece can be accessed via this link: CLICK HERE
Starting the Tellico Village Building Process
Do Tellico Village home builders offer home designs and building plans?
Some Tellico Village home builders offer home building plans. Some new residents employ their own architect to draft a home design and building plans. Other new residents bring their own rough plan to local home builders. All the local home builders have resources to help aspiring Village home owners create building plans.
How is the home building process initiated in Tellico Village?
To understand the scope of building a home in the Village, an information packet consisting of single-family residential construction forms and the Architectural Control Committee Blue Book should be obtained and reviewed. This information is available at the TVPOA offices: 112 Chota Center and the Welcome Center 202 Chota Road, Loudon, TN.
Why is this information packet important?
The packet contains a range of forms which are essential to the permitting of building a home in the Village and is part of the ACC approval process.
Who completes the forms found in the information packet?
While the accuracy of the forms is ultimately the responsibility of the Village property owner, the forms are generally completed and submitted to the ACC by the contractor hired by the property owner one month prior to the formal ACC review meeting.
Home Building Plan Review Process
When are the formal review meetings held and who can attend?
The review meetings are held twice monthly at the TVPOA Offices, 112 Chota Center on the first and third Thursday of each month at 10:00 am. All ACC meetings are open to the public.
What are the approval steps required to build a home in Tellico Village?
The Tellico Village approval process for building a home includes: obtaining a home building information packet; selecting a home builder; working with the contractor to finalize a construction plan; ensuring the required ACC forms are completed and submitted to the ACC along with the construction plans and fees.
Home Building Plan Review Process
What happens after the forms and plans are submitted to the ACC?
An ACC member will review the submission in detail which will include a visit to the proposed building site. All aspects of the submission will be discussed at the formal open review meeting including any possible desired ACC modifications to the building plans. The ACC will also welcome comments from attendees on the proposed project.
What other items need to be submitted to the ACC prior to the review meeting?
In addition to all the completed forms, the submission must include final plot, drainage, house, driveways, walkway, landscape and engineering plans along with the assigned construction fees. (See the Architectural Control Committee Blue Book for more specific requirements).
Fees Associated with the Review and Building Process
Are there TVPOA fees associated with building a home in the community?
Yes. Fees for building a home in Tellico Village include an ACC review fee, various utility fees and the costs associated with a Completion Assurance Agreement. Information on these fees are included in the single-family residential construction packet and Architectural Control Committee Blue Book.
What is the Completion Assurance Agreement?
This is an agreement between the TVPOA and the resident property owner assuring the home under construction will be completed in accordance with all requirements of the Architectural Control Committee Blue Book and the Architectural Control Committee Permit within a 12-month period. The cost of the agreement is based on the square footage of the home.
What are the total costs of these TVPOA fees?
The cost of some fees is dependent on the size of the home being constructed. While other fees are set no matter what the home size. The fees vary slightly between Loudon and Monroe Counties.
Changes to an Approved Plan
Once building plans are approved by the ACC, are changes allowed to those plans?
Yes. The ACC provides a Change Request form in the single-family home residential construction packet. Changes to the original approved plan need to be completed along with a rationale for the changes and submitted to the ACC office for approval prior to the work being done.
If a plan change is desired or required, what is the approval process?
Changes are generally reviewed by the ACC Manger with additional review by the ACC committee as appropriate.
Are additional fees imposed for this change?
The first construction plan change is free. Any additional plan alterations are subject to a $50 fee for each change.
Home Inspections
During the construction process, are there periodic inspections by the ACC?
Yes. The ACC manager, along with the Village’s Code Enforcement employee, regularly check the construction location to ensure the builder is meeting timeline requirements and review the condition of the job site. The TVPOA Enforcement Employee inspects the exterior of the home only. The employee does not inspect the interior.
Does anyone else inspect the home during construction?
Yes. Responsibility for home inspections are different in Loudon and Monroe Counties. The Loudon County Building Codes Department (LCBCD) conducts periodic inspections on Loudon County homes. Information on Loudon County building codes can be accessed at: Monroe County the Tennessee Reservoir Development Agency (TRDA) inspects the homes in the Kahite neighborhood. Information on TRDA building codes is available at:
Are additional fees imposed for this changeWho initiates these inspections?
The home builders are aware at what points in the construction process inspections are required. They will notify the inspecting authorities (ACC, LCBCD, and TRDA) when their reviews and approvals are needed.
Can a property owner building a Village home hire an independent home inspector?
Before a real estate transaction closes on an existing home in Tellico Village, it must pass a home inspection. Property owners building a home or purchasing a spec. home should also hire a home inspector prior to closing on their new Village home.
Building Time Frame and Warranties
How long does it take for a Tellico Village home to be constructed?
The construction period varies and is often dependent on the size of the home and other conditions (i.e. weather, material availability, etc.). Usually a Tellico Village home can be constructed within six to 12 months.
Do Tellico Village home builders provide warranties on the homes they build in the community?
Yes. The warranties vary from builder to builder and it is advisable for property owners to understand the extent of the builder’s warranty at the time the contact to build the home is signed.
*Note: The Tellico Village Home Builders Guild (TVHBG) is a group of Greater Knoxville area home builders that have elected to participate in a paid marketing and advertising program offered by TVPOA. TVPOA’s inclusion of any home builder in TVHBG or reference to any home builder in any related promotional materials does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring of any home builder by TVPOA. All home builders participating in TVHBG are independently owned and operated businesses, and TVPOA does not guaranty or warranty the quality of any labor or materials provided by such home builders to their customers. Accordingly, TVPOA shall not be held liable for any claims or damages arising from any labor or materials provided by participating TVBHG home builders.