Tanasi Update 11-9-23

Over the last few weeks, the subcommittee (Jeff Digulla, Mark Bloomfield, Ken Heiserman, Chet Pillsbury, Marty Inkrott and myself) has reviewed and interviewed CMs/GCs to assist as we finish the design portion of the project. We sent out an RFP to six contractors, all...

Tanasi Rebuild Committee Recommendation

At the July 19th Board meeting the Tanasi Restoration Committee made a recommendation to the Board on two possible site plans. To review the slides and watch the meeting utilities the links below....

Tanasi Restoration Meeting 4-13-23

TELLICO VILLAGE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION TANASI RESTORATION COMMITTEE MINUTES Thursday, April 13, 2023 3:00 PM Attendees: POA Staff: Casey Flenniken, Beth Kuberka, Clayton Taylor, Wells McClure, Andy Fox, Mitzi Lane, Kevin Alfont and Chet Pillsbury, POA Board...

Tanasi Restoration Meeting March 22, 2023

TANASI RESTORATION UPDATEThe Tanasi Restoration Committee met on Wednesday, March 22nd. The Temporary Pro Shop has now been delivered. They will begin the process of setting it during the week of March 27th.  The completion of this process will take several days. The...