Spring is a beautiful time to stay home and wait for the COVID-19 pandemic to pass. We are watching the leaves grow and the flowers bloom, with nothing to do and nowhere to go!

Are you going stir crazy? Want something to do?

Write a letter! Tell our legislators how the Asian Carp migration should remain a priority. You may select a letter from this link, insert your personal details, and mail it to one or all of these addresses.

Get creative! Add your personal reasons for halting the Asian Carp migration but remember to keep the letters short. Our legislators are very busy. A simple quick message stating the facts will best help prevent a looming disaster for our region.

Stay safe and stay healthy, and enjoy this beautiful time of year.

You can help! Representative Fleischmann encouraged us to keep the pressure on the following elected officials and the federal agencies who have the authority to make decisions regarding closing locks to install barriers. For sample letters, click here: https://www.tellicovillagepoa.org/asian-carp-update/.

Representative Chuck Fleischmann

900 Georgia Avenue, Suite 126

Chattanooga, TN 37402


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

441 G Street NW

Washington, DC 20314-1000


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services

Donald MacLean

Phone: (703) 358-2108

E-mail: [email protected]

Aquatic Invasive Species

Fisheries and Habitat Conservation

4401 N. Fairfax Dr., Room 740c

Arlington, VA 22203
